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Entrance door
Entrance doors represent house theme and bright up your life.

Venato D30 Extra design Door
This Venato D30 Extra design is dedicated on detailed hand-crafted design as to make it the best exterior door. With no compromising, each product is manufactured to be perfect.
The quality and the function of these doors attract people who enter the door.
Venato D30 Door
Variety of design and color options for this series allows you to coordinate your entrance door with your favorite design. There is basic 4 themes such as Natural, Simple, Chic, and Elegant.

Open the key with
1. Remote Key:
Keep the remote in your bag and press the button
2. Tug Key:
Touch the tug key closer to the door to open
3. Face ID
4. App (Bluetooth)

Ventilation door allow air to circulate even when the door is closed, improving air flow in your home.
Improved screens allow for more ventilation, while preventing flies and bugs from entering.
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